Ahhh spring...getting ready for the big sale!

PHOTOS 1-7: KK Dundas | PHOTO 8: KLD studio

PHOTOS 1-7: KK Dundas | PHOTO 8: KLD studio

Hope you’re all hanging in there and getting through the pandemic in one piece…it’s been a heck of a ride to say the least and we hope you’re all well!

After a bumpy start, aka a massive repair to the hydraulic press (gulp!), we’re making some headway in production and hoping for smoother sailing while we do some catching up. We're really excited to be getting some great help this year…it’s made a big difference in just a few short months!

Since we’re still knee-deep into COVID…our spring studio sale is canceled, so we’ll be posting an extra large batch of pans for our annual Online Sale coming up next month!

The Online Sale is happening Thursday, March 25th at 10am PT! We’ll be posting 700 pans with a 7 month processing time...because it's such a large batch, we’re having our sale early this year so we can start shipping sooner. As always, orders will be processed as they are received and everything will ship out in time for the holidays. You can find details and information about how the sale works on our SHOP PAGE

Last year’s Online Sale sold out extra fast…so FYI, we also have our Monthly Lotteries every 1st Sunday of the month. We introduced the lottery system a few years back because the online sales were such a frenzy. They happen every 1st Sunday of the month at a leisurely pace - you can learn more about how the lottery works HERE. 

We’ll post updates and reminders on our Instagram and Facebook pages, and feel free to reach out if you have any questions!

Thanks everyone! We really, really hope to see all your faces very soon!!!

All our best,

Patrick & Caryn